Oscar Widerberg Speaking at 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum Side-event

On January 31st 2023, Dr. Oscar Widerberg participated as a speaker in the virtual side-event "Supporting SDG policy and budget decisions backed by science and expertise", hosted by the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI), during the 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum on January 31st 2023. The side-event addressed the need for a holistic approach to governing the SDGs within the context of the approaching deadline, and how science partners can support the need for more practical and focused measures. As a contribution to this discussion, Dr. Widerberg presented key insights from the first phase of the Transformative Partnerships 2030 research project regarding the characteristics and potential of multi-stakeholder partnerships.

For more information, see the website of the SEI: https://www.sei.org/events/supporting-sdg-policy-and-budget-decisions/ 
And the website of the 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum: https://sdgs.un.org/events/ecosoc-partnership-forum-2023

(Image in post is open source and free to use, by InspiredImages from Pixabay)

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