Research Output


Our publications are listed here when they are available. We aim to publish articles Open Access whenever possible.

Articles in International Peer-Review Journals

Koliev, F., and K. Bäckstrand. 2024. The Public Legitimacy of Multistakeholder Partnerships in Global Environmental Governance: Evidence from Survey Experiments in Brazil, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Global Environmental Politics 24, 146–169.

Bexell, M. 2024. Indicator Accountability or Policy Shrinking? Multistakeholder Partnerships in Reviews of the Sustainable Development Goals. Global Policy.

Pattberg, P., and K. Bäckstrand. 2023. Enhancing the achievement of the SDGs: lessons learned at the half-way point of the 2030 Agenda. Int Environ Agreements 23, 107–114.

Widerberg, O., Fast, C., Koloffon Rosas, M. et al. 2023. Multi-stakeholder partnerships for the SDGs: is the “next generation” fit for purpose?. Int Environ Agreements 23, 165–171.

Beisheim, M., and F. Fritzsche. 2022. The UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development: An orchestrator, more or less? Global Policy 13(5): 683-693. 

Chapters in Edited Volumes

Beisheim, Marianne, Steven Bernstein, Frank Biermann, Pamela Chasek, Melanie van Driel, Felicitas Fritzche, Carole-Anne Sénit, and Silke Weinlich. 2022. "Global Governance." In The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals: Transforming Governance through Global Goals?, eds. Frank Biermann, Thomas Hickmann, and Carole-Anne Sénit. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 22–58. Available as open access here.

Bexell, Magdalena. 2022. "Global governance and democracy. Aligning procedural and substantive accounts?." In Routledge Handbook of Democracy and Sustainability, eds. Basil Bornemann, Henrike Knappe, and Patrizia Nanz. Abingdon: Routledge.

Bäckstrand, Karin, Faradj Koliev, and Aysem Mert. 2022. “Governing SDG Partnerships. The Role of Institutional Capacity, Transparency and Inclusion.” In Partnerships and the Sustainable Development Goals, eds. Enda Murphy, Aparajita Banerjee, and Patrick Paul Walsh. Springer Cham.

Fritzche, Felicitas, and Karin Bäckstrand. 2023. Global Diplomacy and Multi-stakeholderism: Does the Promise of the 2030 Agenda Hold? In The Palgrave Handbook of Diplomatic Reform and Innovation, eds. Paul Webster Hare, Juan Luis Manfredi-Sánchez, Kenneth Weisbrode. Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 703-729.

Koliev, Faradj, and Karin Bäckstrand. 2022. ”When are SDG Partnerships Transparent? The Determinants of Progress Reporting.” In Partnerships and the Sustainable Development Goals, eds. Enda Murphy, Aparajita Banerjee, and Patrick Paul Walsh. Springer Cham.

Llanos, Andrea O., Rob Raven, Magdalena Bexell, Kristina Jönsson, et al. 2022. "Implementation at Multiple Levels." In The Political Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals. Transforming Governance through Global Goals?, eds. Frank Biermann, Thomas Hickmann, and Carole-Anne Sénit. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 59-91. Available as open access here.

Reports and Popular Science Publications

Lead authors: Oscar Widerberg, Cornelia Fast, Montserrat Koloffon, Philipp Pattberg. Contributing authors: Faradj Koliev, Ian Higham, Karin Bäckstrand, Julia van Heese, Essraa Hussein. 2023. Nexus governance for transformative change: Technical report of the Transform 2030 data set. 

Conference presentations

"Facilitating SDG Synergies through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Does Design matter?" by Montserrat Koloffon Rosas, at 

  • 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 22-27 October 2023

"International institutions and best practices on multi-stakeholder partnerships" by Felicitas Fritzsche, at

  • 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 22-27 October 2023

"Linking the Sustainable Development Goals: Examining the Alignment of Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Supply and Interaction Governance Demand" by Oscar Widerberg, Cornelia Fast, Montserrat Koloffon Rosas and Philipp Pattberg, at

  • 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 22-27 October 2023

"Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships’ Potential to Govern Nexuses: Mapping SDG 13 on Climate Change and Its Connections" by Cornelia Fast and Oscar Widerberg, at

  • 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 22-27 October 2023

"Legitimacy Challenges of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for the 2030 Agenda" by Matteo de Donà, Kristina Jönsson and Magdalena Bexell, at

  • European International Studies Association Pan-European Conference on International Relations, University of Potsdam, 5-9 September 2023
  • 2023 Annual conference of the Swedish Political Science Association (SWEPSA), University of Gothenburg, 4–6 October 2023
  • 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 22-27 October 2023

"Transforming Our World through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Factors, mechanisms, and pathways for sustainable development" by Maximilian S.T. Wanner and Matilda Miljand, at

  • 7th Nordic Development Research Conference, Uppsala University and the Swedish Development Network, 21-23 August 2023
  • 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 22-27 October 2023

A Common Baseline for Effectiveness? How Multi-stakeholder Partnerships Address Synergies Between the Sustainable Development Goals” by Cornelia Fast, at

  • Conference in Earth System Governance 2022, University of Toronto and University of Waterloo, Canada, 20-24 October 2022

Transformative Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Towards a Common Conceptual Understanding” by Cornelia Fast, Montserrat Koloffon, Oscar Widerberg, Philipp Pattberg and Eszter Szedlacsek, at

  • ECPR General Conference, University of Innsbruck, 22– 26 August 2022

"UN meta-governance for MSPs – fit for transformation?" by Felicitas Fritzsche, at

  • ECPR General Conference, University of Innsbruck, 22– 26 August 2022
  • Conference in Earth System Governance 2022, University of Toronto and University of Waterloo, Canada, 20-24 October 2022